Sunday, March 8, 2015

Social Media and Marketing

Are writers wisely using social media for marketing? Or are we over-using social media to advertise our books. Valid question in this internet age. A lot has been written on the subject and more will come. Please comment below. I'd like to read your thoughts. 

Over-using--or blatant self-promoting--is different and unique to each social media user. I believe friends and followers on social media are used to writers promoting their books, they just don't like too much self-promoting. That's the fine line about which marketing experts speak. 

For me, I focus on what will benefit my upcoming book and not irritate potential readers. I use this blog to reach blog readers and I do blog tours on other bloggers' blogs.

I use Facebook sparingly, in my opinion. I can determine if I've overdone posting by how many friends un-friend me. Same with Twitter. Lose followers and that's a clue I've posted too much. How much is too much? Experts say that for Twitter, once or twice a day is ineffective promo; that three times a day is more effective; but four times is overusing and tweeters will let you know.

As far as email blasting for advertising to anyone besides your family and face-to-face friends, I believe authors are making enemies not fans. It's one thing to do events on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads, but without invitation or permission, to send out an ad or a newsletter does not make people happy.

Just my humble opinion, of course. 

My newest release, the 5th in the Dru/Lake series. Find online, brick and mortar book stores, and libraries.

Happy Reading.
Gerrie Ferris Finger

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